Crystal Hotel & Resort

Crystal Hotel & Resort

Location: 33000 Petrovac, Budva – Montenegro
Description: That as a tourist destination Petrovac by the sea, discovered in the 1930s, is well known to many people. Petrovac’s long history meets many of the city’s landmarks. On the north side rise ancient stone towers, and on the other, south side, in the tranquility of a quiet peninsula, with a lot of greenery, peace and freshness, anchored the new, elegant, imposing Crystal Hotel. It is not known whether the sun and water cast a glare on Crystal Hotel, or whether Crystal is reflected as its glass shines on the sea surface.
Either way, the owners did not spare the beauty of the building and very much attention was paid to the interior and exterior of the hotel. The satisfaction of the owner with the choice and delivery of the lamps should also be emphasized.
